

Zinc citrate

Zinc citrate, 30 mg, 60 Caps
• Swanson Premium Zinc Citrate.
• Great form of zinc for optimum absorption.
• 50 mg capsules.

Vitamin A, 10,000IU, 250 Softgels

Vitamin A is essential for the maintenance of the tissues that line the internal and external surfaces of the body, including the eyes, skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.

Omega 3 - 1000 mg

Fiskeolien, der bruges i produktionen af ​​dette produkt, er af højeste kvalitet og renhed, fordi fedtsyrerne udvindes ved lave temperaturer og uden brug af opløsningsmidler. Dette er en TG (triglyceridform).

High-Potency Benfotiamine

High-Potency Benfotiamine
Benfotiamine is fat soluble and is absorbed five times better than thiamine (B1).
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