

High-Potency Benfotiamine

High-Potency Benfotiamine
Benfotiamine is fat soluble and is absorbed five times better than thiamine (B1).

Omega 3 - 1000 mg

Fiskeolien, der bruges i produktionen af ​​dette produkt, er af højeste kvalitet og renhed, fordi fedtsyrerne udvindes ved lave temperaturer og uden brug af opløsningsmidler. Dette er en TG (triglyceridform).

Vitamin A, 10,000IU, 250 Softgels

Vitamin A is essential for the maintenance of the tissues that line the internal and external surfaces of the body, including the eyes, skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.

Zinc citrate

Zinc citrate, 30 mg, 60 Caps
• Swanson Premium Zinc Citrate.
• Great form of zinc for optimum absorption.
• 50 mg capsules.